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Iorhassan is comprised of 3 subcontinents: Ardion, Yan'hoon, and Khalzmakharhaa.

History[edit | edit source]

The first people to settle Iorhassan were the Oen, who hailed from É.

The Kharakestromn Empire at its height reigned over most of Ardion and northern Khalzmakharhaa in the year -7833 AF.

Following the Kharakestromn Empire came the Iridionic Empire, which ruled over all of Iorhassan except for Yan'hoon from their island domains, which were held aloft in the sky by certain Gods in the year -5126 AF.

Extraterrestrial beings known as the Jenai toppled the Iridionic Empire, and they established the Hegemony of Ardion in the year 0 AF. The Mythic age concluded.

Barbarous tribes of Venturii, Dwarves, Oandites and Vyridians settled in Ardion, along with numerous other races.

Races[edit | edit source]

Venturii: A humanlike race with an obsession with travel, and the only race to have spread out over all of Western Ardion.

Dwarvenkind: An intoxicated beard with a warpick who have a great penchant for keeping things secure and finding hidden things, so naturally they are known for being great treasurers, prison wardens, archaeologists, archivists, zookeepers, and bankers.

Gnomekind: A bunch of midgets even smaller than halflings who bring death and destruction with their childlike curiosity combined with their ingenious intellect, and live in massive flying castles or foothill fortresses - and sometimes worship as many gods as possible.

Halflings: Hedonistic little bastards who live in Suthwaine.

Sidhe: A race imbued with the powers of the 4 seasons, sadly too lazy to get out of their archipegalo.

Oandites: A bunch of heterochromatic-eyed nerds who obsess over knowledge.

Oen: Just like the Oandites, but they're hovering midgets who dedicate their entire lives to a certain field of knowledge.

Vyridians: Plant-people who can live anywhere.

Othuulians: A blanket term for a mortal originally created as a sun-god's emissaries, evicted for some petty crime their ancestors did, and exiled to a planet in its vicinity - and have 5 different subraces.

Hurok: Lanky, swampdwelling carnivores who live anywhere the Venturii won't tread.

Slimes: An ancient race of magical, gelatinous people who have served many purposes in the past, but are currently searching for another purpose.

Iwrihambrii: Paperlike origami-people who are obsessed with magical glyphs written onto their body.

Giwiu: Peaceful nomadic snail-people who love history.

Chimera: A mortal whose ancestry traces back at least 2 different monstrous, demonic, or divine bloodlines.

Amakhai: Axolotl-people with a great penchant for gambling and risk-taking.

Anuraa: Frog-people who like pottery.

Orcs: Barrowfort-building iron age savages who are great at cooperating with others of their own race, and working together to grow individually.

Ogres: A voracious race of omniphages.

Trolls: Mountain-dwelling tribesfolk who have a magical sense of smell.

Goblins: Mischevious, resourceful people who build great metropolises out of wood and bone.

Hobgoblins: Fortress-builders with an obsession with industry and efficiency, and the concept of art is incomprehensible to them.

Alraunes: A secretive forest race that turns members of other races into their children.

Merfolk: A very imperialist race of... well, merfolk!

Lamiae: Half-snake ladies who are nomadic and require men from other races to reproduce, and their children often adopt a few characteristics from their fathers. They have a caste system, which depends on what occupation their fathers took.

Cecaelians: Half-octopus people who dwell in underwater caves and experiment with magic. They adopt obsessions in a certain field of knowledge, or just become unhealthily infatuated with a hobby.

Eol: Untrustworthy magic-eating people

Spectrans: A mortal that exists in both the ethereal and corporeal plane at once.

Nekonya: Plainsdwelling catgirls.