"A ship that reesembled a wooden fortress rushed forth from the harbours, pulled forth by flapping sails coloured off-white. The heraldry of House Elesceth was emblazoned upon its second highest flag. Sentinel Birds guarded it from any malevolent spirits or beings. Its hull evoked such feelings of insignificance that the prescence of a giant does. And as my ship moved past that great rigger, i saw a thousand piers and quays jutting out into the sea, behind it hundreds of salt-encrusted hovels whitened with seagull guano. From that unique fishy miasma i knew i had landed at the city of Konnothel."
- Llonx Kavry, Seafaring Adventurer.
Konnothel is a kingdom built on the eastern coasts of the Isle of Anjou.
People[edit | edit source]
Like most of Anjou, it is populated mostly by Venturii, but has spatterings of Sidhe and Syrexi.
Religion[edit | edit source]
Most people in Konnothel venerate the Anjouan Pantheon, especially holding Ferandor in very high regard, considering him the greatest deity, even more so than Ereii or Gannathory. Their denomination is known as Reformed Brythionism.