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Ubymur defines both a peninsula and an archipegalo in Treik-Skar. The region is extremely temperate, and choked in jungle. The coasts are rocky, and beasts that surge from both the jungle and the seas terrorize colonist and native alike. The climate is very prone to thunderstorms and hailstorms. The islands are extremely mountainous, if not volcanic.

Ever since the Barrier Storm was cast, Ubrymur was most badly affected by the sorcerous Border Mists, which consume anything that ventures too far out into the sea. Sovereign authority quickly fell, and the settlers instantly degenerated into a semi-barbaric state. Since then, Ubrymur has been monopolized by mighty armadas of pirates, which constantly fight bloody wars over islands. There are no large settlements on Ubrymur.

Ubrymur is extremely rich in resources, from useful ship-building wood and every kind of metal imaginable, especially Orichalum and Teobar. The herbs which are not deadly toxic have spectacular magical or medicinal properties. Occasionally heavily armed albeit small and quick ships from Osphoro will attempt to gather resources here. It is also known for containing great deposits of gemstones.

Life in Ubrymur is chaotic, short, and deadly. It is where one can wake up to the sound and smell of cannonfire and run out to the town square to be greeted by an entirely new crew of pirates ruling the island before watching the former ruling crew get tarred and feathered before being set out to sea. Every single person who lives in an Ubrymurian town is cunning, tough, and extremely seaworthy. Naval battles are considered an everyday occurence.

The natives of Ubrymur are especially savage, compared to those in Osphoro. Cannibalistic lizardfolk tribes and ruthless Yhoan roam the jungle.