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Siagaunthl is a distant planet far from the Othuul Star system. It orbits the quasar Aevaryz. It is inhabited by 5 races, who are detailed below. Most of the central continents are civilized, and the 5 central continents are connected by a great intercontinental railway.

History[edit | edit source]

Up until 300 years ago, water nearly covered the entire planet, leaving only archipegalos poking out of the freshwater ocean. Burrowing insects from space headed to the north and south poles and hollowed the entire planet shortly after digging a tunnel through the world causing most of the oceans to collect into a gigantic water-orb deep inside Siagaunthl.

This event was named "The Inordinate Ebbing". Due to immense climate changes, it forced the Muygwirls to migrate inland, and the Kliya'arq to the deltas, swamps and coasts.

Hundreds upon hundreds of settlements formerly inhabited before the Inordinate Ebbing have remained on the highest peaks of this planet.

Thanks to the efforts of the mysterious cosmic burrowing bugs, the vast and mysterious north and south continents have emerged from the ocean after eons of submersion, and eagerly await exploration and/or exploitation.

People[edit | edit source]

The parsimonious Frurloxes are armoured with heavy carapaces. They are very solitary and value privacy. They can absorb phlogiston from the atmosphere and externally combust it. They have turned organic alchemy into an art form.

The spindly-limbed Grelscrihds are always extremely wary of their surroundings, almost to the point of paranoia. They are very fragile, but extremely nimble.

The meticulous Muygwirls are obsessed with numbers, and incorporate religious numerology into every aspect of their culture and superstition.

The canine Jubherns are extremely loyal to any organizations they become part of. They are extremely utilitarian and have no concept of aesthetic, although tribalism seems to be alien to them.

The latently psychic Kliya'arq make frequent use of their organic electrokinetic abilities, and operate and power electrical machinery. They value modesty, and hide their head-appendages with insulative hoods that mask their electric signatures. When they communicate, they lift their hoods and speak via narrow arcs of lightning which zip between their head-appendages.