Planet Tqqrenvlon is where most of the action happens. Orbiting around the yellow star Othuul, it contains hundreds of sapient Races, [Civilizations]] and Gods, and is unusually prone to extraterrestrial intervention.
History[edit | edit source]
Shaped by the 6 nameless beings that drifted through the Astharion Galaxy, a hollow ball of stone was left for purposeless gods to claim. Immediately, millions upon millions of divinities, spirits, and deities swarmed across the planet, fighting over it with the aid of mortal races and lesser powers of their own creation until Theion, undisputed emperor of the named powers of the Aeternium, arranged them into pantheons. He assigned every pantheon to a mortal culture. Theion allowed the Primevals, Primordials and the Fundamentals to influence the world, but would not allow them to be worshipped on Tqqrenvlon. To humble the Fundamentals, he asked a primordial called Exception to teach the mortals magic to allow them to defy the laws of the Fundamentals.
Continents[edit | edit source]
Iorhassan[edit | edit source]
The heart of society, where the grip of civilization is weak in most places.
Treik-Skar[edit | edit source]
A dangerous jungle continent where straying a few paces unprepared from civilization can mean certain death. Staunchly colonized by only the hardiest of mortals. Also a land of extremes, where decadent cities populated by millions of people lie sparsely amidst choking rainforests where horrifying beasts and evil spirits lurk.
É[edit | edit source]
Once the cradle of civilization, brimming with thousands of wonders crafted by civilizations unknown, now mostly a savage wasteland where the errors of the glorious empires that once dwelt there skulk.