
Page last edited 2,741 days ago
From Tqqrenvlon Encyclopedia
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Nations[edit | edit source]

Galimore[edit | edit source]

A regal kingdom defended by unicorn-riding knights and red dragons, along with numerous fae.

Konnothel[edit | edit source]

Before the Barrier Storm, the Kingdom of Konnothel had the strongest footholds in Ubrymur. It is known for producing the most foolhardy sailors in Ardion. The shipbuilders who live in Konnothel are known for their brutal pragmatism.

Suthwaine[edit | edit source]

The homeland of the Halflings, and a very fine place for agriculture and domesticating and breeding animals - sometimes magically.

Oytland[edit | edit source]

Syrene[edit | edit source]

Kodhag[edit | edit source]

A rocky wasteland streaked with many canyons and ravines, in which the insectoid and goblinoid inhabitants of Kodhag build their towns and villages.

Bravaniax[edit | edit source]

A fearsome city-state carved into the side of a bottomless pit. Ruled over by a brutal hegemony of Hobgoblins, and armed to the teeth with the most terrifying weapons known to mortals and aided by fiercely loyal demons.

Mazag[edit | edit source]

A vast expanse of scarlet and purple sand ruled by orcs.

Eita[edit | edit source]

Eurymanthor[edit | edit source]

Dumekhene[edit | edit source]

Many dwarven hillocks and towns which swear fealty to a mighty citadel underneath the Lodhareg mountains.

Omon Tadin[edit | edit source]

A gargantuan dwarven city-state located far to the north. Known for deploying terrifying war-machines the size of mountains into battle. Ruled over by a council of demigods.

Kebblos[edit | edit source]

A gnomish city-state flying in the sky, held aloft by magic and numerous propellors. Defended by hundreds of pilots and airships armed with ingenious gnomish arnaments. Several cities that also live in this manner also swear fealty to Kebblos. Possesses many colonies in distant lands.